lunes, 16 de junio de 2014

Sharktopus vs Pteracuda primera imagen


Siguiendo con la tradición no escrita pero si implementada por el siempre chapucero Roger Corman; tenemos la primera imagen del nuevo engendro de Roger.

Obvio, montado sobre el boom de su propia Sharktopus y con las evidentes similitudes de Sharknado.

El comunicado nos prepara un poco sobre el próximo premio Nobel de literatura en forma de peli que Roger nos entregará.

SHARKTOPUS VS PTERACUDA finds an American scientist, Robert Carradine (DJANGO UNCHAINED) up to no good (as usual) by creating the half-pterodactyl, half-barracuda: Pteracuda. When the creature inevitably escapes, it’s up to Sharktopus to stop him. Human Katie Savoy (LIVING WITH MODELS) also stars.

The road to PTERACUDA was not easy. The first film, inspired by Sharktopus’ early life, generated a 2.5 million –viewer debut, a Sharktopus wine label, and the Sharktopus dating show, now in its third season. A sequel seemed imminent.

But amid allegations of indecent exposure, drunk driving and embezzlement, Sharktopus fell out of public favor. That’s when producers Roger Corman and Julie Corman stepped in. Forcing Sharktopus to undergo a strict detox regimen, the producing team got their star ship-shape for a sequel.

Se estrena el 2 de agusto por Syfy.


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