viernes, 14 de agosto de 2015

La novela final de A Song of Ice and Fire (Game of Thrones) será agridulce


En recientes declaraciones a The Guardian; George RR Martin comenta que el final de su serie: A Song of Ice and Fire será más agridulce que apocalíptica.

-will be “bittersweet”, rather than apocalyptic.

George está actualmente escribiendo el sexto capítulo titulado: The winds of winter.

En contexto; aún no escribe el final pero....

“That’s certainly not my intent,” said the novelist. “I’ve said before that the tone of the ending that I’m going for is bittersweet. I mean, it’s no secret that Tolkien has been a huge influence on me, and I love the way he ended Lord of the Rings. It ends with victory, but it’s a bittersweet victory.”

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