jueves, 13 de agosto de 2015

Star Wars: Battlefront sin modo de campaña. Gracias Peter Moore....gracias....jerk!!


Una razón más para seguir detestando a Peter Moore.

El siempre incapaz Peter comentó en entrevista a Gamespot que Battlefront no tendrá propiamente un modo de campaña.

Sí. Peter con su acertadísima visión.... como siempre.

Tiene sus motivos obviamente ligados a Star Wars: The Old Republic y como ejecutivo es evidente que debe de tener una postura. La pregunta es por qué siempre tiene decisiones tan torpes????!!!!

Acá el extracto de la entrevista:

Q:I want to switch to Star Wars Battlefront. Surely yourself, and the rest of the EA executive team, must be kicking yourselves for not including a single-player campaign?

A:Well, you never kick yourself about these things. You make a decision, years out, and you plan for what the world looks like when a game ships in two or three years. That's about the intuitiveness about the executive producer, and his or her vision for the game.

Between when a dev team starts work on a game, and when it finishes, the world becomes a different place. I remember when we started work on Star Wars: The Old Republic; at the time, the model to go for was subscription. By the time we had the game ready, the model to go for wasn't subscriptions. That's why we had to stop the game, and rebuilt it as a free-to-play title with microtransactions, but even then there were some people who said they wanted to keep their subscriptions.

¿Que te parece esto de Battlefront sin campaña?...a mí me parece que es un tremendo error.

Titanfall adolece de una buena campaña. Titanfall y evidentemente Star Wars podrían beneficiarse enormemente con una buena campaña. Alguien recuerda Shadows of the Empire? Sólo por mencionar una excelente campaña.

No sólo de multiplayers vive el noob.

Otro punto de vista sobre el mismo tema en pc gamer


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